Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Mini Super Cub Flies!

We pulled out the Mini Super Cub for the first time today. It went much more smoothly than I expected for the first time out. No catastrophic crashes (notice I didn't say "no crashes"). I was really impressed with how well the plane bounced back after a couple of nose dives into the grass. The battery doesn't last very long, only about 8-10 minutes of flying. But today it was so cold that 8-10 minutes was enough. I may need to get a couple more battery packs and charge them before going out when it warms up. Overall, it was a lot of fun.

It was interesting to me that this plane seemed to fly just like the plane I fly, and just like any plane, even as large as a Boeing 747. All planes have the same forces working on them (lift, thrust, drag, and gravity). So regardless of size and weight, they all fly basically the same.

The Mini Super Cub is from Hobby Zone, if you want to get one for yourself.